Weekday Morning Runs:
Monday - Thursday at 5 am sharp from the club house
All levels of runners are accommodated
The program is typically as follows:
Monday: Easy run
Tuesday: Hills
Wednesday: Easy run
Thursday: Speed
Weekend Club Runs:
Club runs take place most Saturday/ Sunday mornings.
Distance, time, pace and location will be communicated to club members on the WhatsApp groups
When there are league races no run will be hosted to support the local races.
Wednesday Time Trials:
Wednesday afternoons at the club house 17:30
Choose between distances of 2, 4, 6 or 8 km
Stay after time trials to get to know club members better
The last Wednesday of the month there will be a social evening.
Afternoon Runs:
Hippo run every Monday afternoon at 17:30 from the club house.
The distances vary between 10km and 16km. The route is called The Hippo Run as it includes the notorious Hippo Road hill.
Club Weekend:
Once or twice a year the club will arrange a club weekend. This will be communicated in advance.
ACAC makes a contribution towards the "social" cost of the weekend, but members pay their own transport and accommodation.
Twice a year (February and September) the club has a couch to 5K program.
This is the ideal starting point for someone who has no experience running and would like to get to the 5K distance without injuries.
Club Challenge:
Every year in February ACAC will launch the yearly club challenge.
This is a great way to improve your fitness, encourage friendly rivalry amongst members, set some goals and get to know fellow club members.
Comrades Marathon Activities:
Almost a third of our members participate in the Comrades Marathon every year.
ACAC offers many long runs to assist runners with their preparation.
Every year we have a special send off function for the Comrades runners.
There will also be a church service just before Comrades.
Our club members have 3 support stations where they can leave their own supplements/nutrition along the route that are manned by club members.
See more in the video below
Club Championships:
There are 5 club championship races every year over the following distances:
These races will be communicated to club members in advance in order to prepare adequately. Club champions will be crowned for each distance as will the same apply to age category winners.